Art history has recently experienced a resurgence in contemporary art thanks to pioneering artists such as Louis Carreon.
Although Carreon's work cannot be seen as a complete break from the aesthetics of his pop artist colleagues, what he's incorporating into his visual signatures is indeed totally unique.
Carreon- who influences pay homage to the guiding academic principles of previous generations such as the baroque and whose annual travels include pilgrimages to Aksum and Lalibela, Ethiopia to receive holy water and ancient cross blessings- has been able to gracefully incorporate such historical and cultural motifs into contemporary and more iconoclastic style art.
His new sculpture- for instance- David Reincarnated inspired by Bernini and takes the baroque foundation of the original and overlays it with with modernist motifs of materialism, secularism, and irreverent style.
According to Professor Dr. Ori Soltes of Georgetown University, Louis is the first artist to provide a bridge of continuity for the historical precedent in today's modern milleu, which often appears mutually exclusive with the past.
As such, Carreon is able to not only reaffirm origins of current culture but he's also able to remix it and make it relevant for today's youth.
Modern culture has resoundfully embraced the approach. Within the last few years, Carreon has built a coterie of intellectually-inclined, loyal collectors who share Louis’ culturally-restorative mission.
In light of the movement created by Carreon's rise to success, a new pathway for history and culture has emerged to impact and influence the creations of the current generation.
Suffice it to say, it's both a unique and important confluence that up to this poin wasn't in play, and could very well carry profound implications for the evolution of modern art.