LDV Hospitality President and Founder John Meadow Dishes His Daily Script
By Phebe WahlBy Phebe Wahl|September 4, 2024|People, People Feature, People & Parties Latest,
As the brain behind Scarpetta, American Cut, Dolce Italian and more, LDV Hospitality (ldvhospitality.com) president and founder John Meadow clearly has the secret sauce for success.
Wake-Up Time: 6:30 a.m.
Doppelgänger: I get Jon Hamm or Robert Downey Jr. a lot. I prefer Jon Hamm.
Nemesis: Me in my 30s
My Aesthetic: Natural classic You Can Never
Have Enough: Sunglasses, vintage or Jacques Marie Mages
Last Meals: Iceberg wedge, slice of Joe’s pizza, bowl of ice-cold cherries